I've reproduced this bug. Here's an example of how it can be implemented. However, after I useMutation to update my db, the impacted query does not immediately refetch. const { data,Creating an app which allows you to sign up and sign in user in the database. const response = await client. getQueryData. Using a useMutation hook with the refetchQueries option refetches these queries after the mutation once, but doesn't affect anything later. From the docs: The invalidateQueries method can be used to invalidate and refetch single or multiple queries in the cache based on their query keys or any other. The hook returns an array, the first element of which contains the function to cause the mutation. This means that if you fire off 2 commands for mutate (a) and mutate (b), the side. log: console. 普通にページネーションしようとすると、切り替えのたびに画面がローディング中になり[email protected] I figured out that this is the Apollo version outdated that Vue Apollo installs, you probably made the same mistake that i did reading the recent version of apollo documentation, but with and old apollo version of it installed. const client = useApolloClient (); useEffect - conditionally ( !loading or data not empty) use client. Actual outcome: The optimistic response isn't used. If you have the following console. You can use useQuery for fetching the data. Under the hood, graphql-lodash actually removes the directive before sending the request to the server. When your component renders, useMutation returns a tuple that includes:Re-render the component when an optimisticResponse is given to useMutation. So you can omit the variables when calling useMutation: const onDeleteHandler = useMutation(DELETE_POST) and then pass them in when calling the handler: onClick={() => onDeleteHandler({ variables: { id } })}>after refetchqueries my UI part is not updated, in my case after mutation i will redirect to the other page,in that page only i want to expect the UI will update but its not happens,once i refresh that page only it will update the UI –The useMutation React hook is the primary API for executing mutations in an Apollo application. Is the best practice to pass the setSearchTerm to the child component to update the parent's searchTerm state or if there is any other way to refetch the query with new searchTerm from the child component? I. As far as I understand from your documentation, “The mutate function returns a promise that fulfills with your mutation result. refetchQueries will execute one or more queries using your network interface and will then normalize the results of those queries into your cache. insert comment mutation refetchQueries: [ { query: gql` query. Examples:The client. If you want to refetch queries with the most recently set of variables provided you can do it by. invalidateQueries('fetchProducts') in docs and used it but still, the page. I have the create working with useMutation to create the data and the read with useQuery to show the data. onComplete is only passed the mutation result as a parameter -- nothing else. Retry. ”, and from reading the code, it looks like the data returned when awaiting the mutate function should be the same as the data in the object returned from the useMutation (2nd element of the returned tuple). The options for fetchInfiniteQuery are exactly the same as those of fetchQuery. I have a button the post and I can get the id of the post to pass to the useMutation function to delete the post. queryClient. UseTRPCQueryOptions; Since UseTRPCQueryOptions extends @tanstack/react-query's UseQueryOptions, you can use any of their options here such as enabled, refetchOnWindowFocus, etc. Returns. Something like this:When making a mutation to delete an item in Apollo, there is no way to automatically mark that item as deleted based on the mutation return value. invalidateQueriesやrefetchQueriesが発火されても再クエリしない; refetchを使って手動でクエリを実行できる # リトライ. What I’m hoping to achieve is that the cell from which the query is imported, renders its loading state. So it should be possible for you to pass either a single or multiple queries to refetchQueries (). g. The example was great! But if I want to trigger a refetch from a child component. 6. Remember that our mutate function returns a Promise? This should all work, right? Well… by design, the Apollo team made it so that refetchQueries would happen at the same time as the . id } and useMutation query: GET_USER_CART, variables: { userId: cart?. This is one of the mutations that's failing. To run a mutation, you first call useMutation within a React component and pass it a GraphQL string that represents the mutation. -On the homepage, a React Query GraphQL request is made to the Next. Refetch Data with the Apollo Query Component either Manually or on Timed Intervals. I have an onCompleted that I am trying to test from my useMutation, I am using jest and react-testing-library. Next. prefetchQuery is an asynchronous method that can be used to prefetch a query before it is needed or rendered with useQuery and friends. options. refetchQueries (['post', newPost. reactjs. By default TanStack Query will not retry a mutation on error, but it is possible with the retry option: tsx. const mutation = useMutation({. Also, adding a different query for the refetchQueries that doesn't require variables, works fine as well. By default TanStack Query will not retry a mutation on error, but it is possible with the retry option: tsx. . log ( { data, error, loading, }); What you will see in the console at the various stages of the mutation is: Before mutation is fired. The refetchQueries totally works, but it only refetch with the last variables. The only difference is that invalidateQueries marks cache data as invalid before trying to refetch the query while refetchQueries only refetches the query without invalidating the cached data. To do so, I use. 1. 0 Authorized queries with Apollo in Next. The options for fetchInfiniteQuery are exactly the same as those of fetchQuery. With refetchQueries you can specify one or more queries that you want to run after a mutation is completed in order to refetch the parts of the store that may have been affected by the mutation. We also have some trpc specific options that let you opt in or out of certain behaviors on a per-procedure level: trpc. The useMutation hook. 0 graphql react auth. But as soon as I add variables it crashes. This includes the following options and methods as well: - `isFetchingMore` - `canFetchMore` - `fetchMore` - `useMutation` - `refetchQueries` and `updateQuery` options have been removed in favor of `onSuccess`, `onError` and `onSettled` + `queryCache. I just simply want to update local state and add new item to an observable query result after addItem mutation, without using refetchQueries (because I don't want to get all list by network when I just added one item). 6m 22s. Promise<InfiniteData<TData>> queryClient. I am using react-query (actually tanstack/react-query v4) to query from and mutate a db. Another easy way to keep the cache in sync is to use the useMutation hook's refetchQueries parameter to define that the query fetching all persons is done again whenever a new. e. The above solution looks a little tedious, especially if the mutation and query are. Queries refetched as part of refetchQueries are handled asynchronously, and are not waited on before the mutation is completed (resolved). js will trigger a rebuild with the updated data. You can use this method to reset the hook back to its initial state. Optimistic. I have many pages which use the same logic and writing these functions for each page is very time consuming and similar. The errorsIf you also want manual retries (e. refetchQueries is an array of either strings or objects. Read more on refetch here. Q&A for work. prefetchQuery. 1 apollo client 2. useQuery to load data needed in mutation. Check the status of queries. I’m using either refetch() from a cell’s success prop or the refetchQueries() function inside useMutation to reload a cell’s query after a form submission. js so we can refer to it in AddHabit. Our solution is: add the namespace through webpack, and refetchQuries supports regexp. It is important to remember that refetchQueries() will refetch specified active queries. useQuery variables: { userId: userInfo?. Reload to refresh your session. It cannot know how to update that were referencing that item now that it doesn't exist anymore. Hi @mobiixi36, As stated in mutation section useMutation is to serve the purpose of create/update/delete data. However, mutate returns a Promise, so using onCompleted is not necessary. I had included the refetchQueries option within the useMutation declaration, like so:useQuery to load data needed in mutation. The method works the same as fetchQuery except that it will. refetchQueries is the simplest way of updating the cache. I've also tried performing the mutation with the Apollo Client directly with the same result, so perhaps it's not an issue with react-apollo itself?There are several places in the app where specific query is refetched after different mutations. The useMutation React hook is the primary API for executing mutations in an Apollo application. useMutationって何やってんのか気になったから調査 まずは何を返すかを知りたかったため、型だけ追ってみる (なぜかって、いろんなファイルやリポジトリ追うから、中身と型どっちも追うと疲れちゃうから) 結論. variables: Variables object. I'm trying to use the mutation function returned by the useMutation hook to create a user (later on I have to make a log in mutation as well) but the variables passed on the createUser() function are not being passed. I now stuck with the delete. Provide details and share your research! But avoid. デフォルトで有効。詳細略。 # ページネーション. then (response => response. These hooks offer much more than only sending requests and receiving responses. 0 "OnCompleted" does not work for useQuery when using "refetchQueries" in useMutation, how to fix it?. In the useMutation React hook defined above, the first argument of the result tuple is the mutate function; (addTodo) in this case. js, tailwindCss, TypeScript, React-Hook-Form, Zod client with React Query, and graphql-request to make CRUD operations against a GraphQL API. According to the source, the cache key is operationName + variables, but refetchQueries only takes care the operationName. The refetchQueries option simply reruns queries in existing Query components. The problem with this solution is that, when we call refetchqueries with variables something like { query: query_name, variables: your_variables } the network status will not changed passing the name only not like an object will work. js Full-Stack CRUD App Overview. ssr: If you have ssr: true in your. To run a mutation, you first call useMutation within a React component and pass it a GraphQL string that represents the mutation. . 5m 32s. Returns. 😕. Hey team. As I can see, QueryOptions type is used in InternalRefetchQueryDescriptor that we pass to refetchQueries but we’re not able to pass any generics to InternalRefetchQueryDescriptor and functions that operate this type, e. const mutationFuntion = (id) => { // this is first mutation return useMutation ( (newTitle) => axios . Issue with refetchQueries in the Apollo Client useMutation hook. For example:const TodoItem = ({index, todo}: TodoItemType) => {. For example, when I specify a query to be. If refetchQueries with a string array is not working well for you, here are a couple ways I can think of that should work now in the latest version of Apollo (v3. See refetching queries after mutation (opens new window)Teams. then statement can occur before refetchQueries. This hook takes a function which will run when a mutation is needed. Code for authorization process: const Auth = ({Teams. The refetched data is available in those particular components, so it's not necessary to somehow also return it. 1 Answer. Retry. Once your mutation is done, you should refetch your data in order to get the modified version in your local cache on the client side. : const [addDrone, { error, reset }] = useMutation (ADD_DRONE) Below are some notes from the official documentation on this method. g. 0. mutationFn: addTodo, retry: 3, }) If mutations fail because the device is offline, they will be retried in the same order when the device reconnects. When running it the mutate call works but the refetchQueries crashes. nothing recorded in the debugger. Mutation refetch by query name. Added my answer below with 3 ways to update the cache, but in your case, the most probably thing that happens is that your userId: cart?. Based on docs and research, I gather that useQuery will automatically refetch from the server if/when the server-state differs from the cached state. const [publishArticle] = useMutation(PUBLISH_ARTICLE, {variables:. 7. Setting this to true will make sure refetched queries are completed before the mutation is considered done. My code for creating a new item looks like this (skipping some of the irrelevant ui. If you create a new one in componentB, it won’t share anything with componentA. We can define mutation functions using the useMutation hook. Can also be a function returning the document. Shouldn't Apollo be applying automatically the cache of Apollo via apollo-cache-inmemory, perform mutation and update UI in this kind of mutation if I understand it right. Usage. mutate ( { // other options refetchQueries= { [getOperationName (POST_AUTHOR_QUERY)]} }) From the docs: Please note that if you call refetchQueries with an array of strings, then Apollo. My setup is very similar to the swapi example here. I'm using reason-apollo and having problems trying to setup refetchQueries. So when you later do refetchQuery of that same query you get a promise that never returns and since useMutation waits for the onSuccess async function to resolve. You signed out in another tab or window. await client. You can provide the refetchQueries option either to useMutation or to the mutate function. This method of refetching. I have this similar problem in my app that does not update the UI automatically without refetchQueries done everywhere. The directive is used only by the library itself. But if that query uses cache-first or network-only, I'm seeing that the mutation promise waits until the refetch. You switched accounts on another tab or window. variables) }After adding @Sh1d0w's fetchOptions, I eventually worked out that the mutation will also fire twice (with no variables in the second mutation) if you specify the refetchQueries option in the wrong place. Promise<InfiniteData<TData>> queryClient. Solutions. then statement. The QueryClient holds the queryCache, which stores your data. I'm experiencing the same issue. Options. mutate( { //. How to reproduce the issue: I forked a codesandbox that was using Apollo hooks, added an optimisticResponse to it. prefetchQuery.